June 11, 2010

Well daddy has gotten all of the pictures uploaded. He is a very busy person and since his sholder surgury, he has been a little out of sorts.

Since my last post, I have finally learned to crawl and am sooooo much better at cruising. I stand all the time using whatever I can find to help me out! My brother is still crazy but you gotta love him. We have begun to wrestle and he may be bigger than me, but I have learned to give him a thumb in the eye.

Well time to sleep as I am only 10 months old.

Lolo Hannahko

May 25, 2010

I have heard from my daddy that photos will be coming real soon. He had to move a lot of stuff and fix a server or two, but he said they will be up soon.

May 11, 2010

Yes it has been awhile since the last post and Alex has had a couple already this month, but I am not upset with my daddy. He has had a rough couple of weeks, mainly getting ready for shoulder surgery this Friday. (he says I am partially to blame, but he is not charging me for it)

So, since the last update, I can now roll like a log to get around the house. I have been told that crawling might be easier, but so is lying in the floor screaming until somebody moves me. I really love rolling on the floor towards the TV and pulling off all of the DVDs and chewing on a select few. It keeps daddy busy putting them all back. I think I am getting a couple more teeth as I am a little more cranky than usual. Also I am moving more towards solid foods. I still like milk from the source, but squash is yummy.

Alex is still Alex. He makes me laugh and daddy cry (which kinda makes me laugh). We have a great time together and I think pretty soon, he is going to want to feed his baby sister. (and hopefully not to the crazy birds outside)

Speaking of Outside, Grandma CC bought me a swing set. I know I am a little too young to use all of it, but mommy did buy a infant swing so I can swing along outside for hours at a time while Alex runs around like a crazy man in a nursing home.

Well it is time to sleep. I hope I can keep up a better schedule but who knows with daddy out of the game for a couple of months.

Love you tons

Lauren – lolo Hannahko – Thomas


So I have been very good at keeping my parents busy. And of course they also have My brother too! He can really be a handful sometimes, but I really love him…he is great!

Alex can always make me laugh. I love to watch him walk down the stairs in the morning, or play with toys, or just hang out with me! He is nice and funny!

I can roll over from my back to my belly really well now. I still haven’t figured out how to roll from my belly to my back, so I get frustrated and make noises and scream until someone flips me over – so that I can do it again!

I love my Jumperoo. I guess it used to be Alex’s when hew as a little baby (like me) and since he has trampoline, we jump together! That is lots of fun!

I have pretty much outgrown my bouncy chair. Sometimes I go in in, but I can twist and turn about. and Mommy worries that I mgiht flip out…so I really don’t spend too much time in that anymore.

I am indifferent to my swing (again a former Alex product) I haven’t been in it for a while, but I don’t really miss it!

I love to play on the floor on my play mat with toys. I have gotten very good at grabbing toys that I see hanging or laying on the floor and stuffing them in my mouth!

Everything goes in my mouth! What is it for if not to put things in right?

Gotta go eat



6 Months!

I am 6 months old! I had a doctor appointment, and I wonder why they don’t seem to like me there. I go in, and everyone is very nice to me. They talk to me and make me smile. But then things go a bit crazy. They make Mommy get me naked…and I am cold so I really don’t like that. And then before I leave, someone decides they need to stab me. Not once. but twice! What did I ever do to them?

Mommy says that it is ok that this will only protect me ….how can that be? I have holes in my leg and am bleeding – so they have to put be back together with something called band-aid! I think my Mommy might be wrong about this!

Anyways, onto the update. My doctor says I really like my breast milk…she is right on! I am 26 inches long and weigh 18 pounds! For those of you that follow my brother’s life, I weigh 8 pounds less than he does!

My doctor wants me to eat more solids…I disagree with her. but Mommy said ok, so I think Mommy and my doctor have overruled my idea. We’ll see about that!

I got some new clothes last weekend with Mommy, Alex, and Auntie Shy Shy. I now have a ladybug outfit that Mommy and Shy Shy thinks is great. Red works for me!

I will talk with my Daddy about putting up my latest pictures!

Going to go eat (not cereal or solids) and go to sleep!



January 4, 2010

Wow – I am 5 months old. I am growing HUGE and I love to smile. When I wake up in the morning, and Mommy or sometimes Daddy comes to get me out of my crib, I give them a huge smile! I still don’t have any teeth, but am doing a good job with drooling!

I have tried some other solid foods…but Mommy took a break from them when I decided that a better option than eating my peas was to throw them up everywhere…what a great plan that was! That was fun!

I will have to take my Mommy shopping, since I am growing out of my 6 month clothes. Mommy and Daddy still call me peanut!

I do good with sleeping at night (I sometimes wake up 1 time for a “snack”) but I often make in thru the night…which Mommy says she really appreciates!

Going to go back to sleep and then eat some more!



Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone! What is New Year?

Life is going well for me. I eat, sleep, eat more, poop lots (usually up my back and make my Mommy change my clothes and give me a bath) and eat more and sleep more too!

I haven’t had much success with that food called cereal. It just isn’t nearly as good as my Mommy’s milk that I really LOVE. So I have a plan. If Mommy really wants me to eat that, then how about she eats it and I will have it later!

As my Big Brother would say…”Sounds great to me!”



My 1st Christmas 2009

Wow…so this is what Christmas is? I fail to see the difference between Christmas and any other day of the year for me. I ate, slept, ate some more, had my diaper changed a few times, slept, ate more, and was held.

Not much different than my nonChristmas days, so can you see my confusion?

Santa did bring me some presents. I got some new “chew” toys as by big Brother Alex calls them – I really like to chew on things or people or cats! I also got some new clothes (which Mommy says is good since I am outgrowing my other clothes)

My Big Brother had tons of fun helping me open presents. I really like him! He is so funny and he cares about me and makes sure I am ok!

One milestone that i met early early this morning,. Mommy put me down in my crib, and guess what I did for her. I rolled over! From my back to my belly! I was good for a moment, but then I got angry that I was on my tummy and I was stuck!

Gotta go eat some more!



Turkey Day 2009

Wow, how exciting, my very 1st Thanksgiving. I didn’t have the best of days. I was very cranky, and fussy, and wanted only my mommy…which was difficult, because she was attempting to make diner for everyone. But daddy and Auntie Shy Shy and Uncle Don helped out with diner, since I required mommy’s complete attention.

We had Thanksgiving at my house, and Auntie Shy Shy was the first to come over (she is here a lot…and I like that!). Then came Auntie Buki and Uncle Jeff. Then came Grandma and Grandpa Thomas and Uncle Don and Aunt Melissa. We also had Aunt Melissa’s dad and brother join us too!

Since I was being a Lauren (that is daddy’s code word for difficult) I didn’t spend too much time hanging out with the family…just my mommy, and sometimes I was ok with my grandma and my Aunts.

Who knows what next year will bring, but at least I should be able to eat the Turkey first hand…and not later that night/next morning as Turkey flavored milk!

Happy Thanksgiving All

